En el camino de Dios, todos pasamos por pruebas y tormentas. Acaso eso quiere decir que Dios nos a abandonado? Creo que la verdad es que por medio de esas pruebas, Dios nos hace mas fuertes y nos hace crecer mas por medio de la fe. Mi camino con Dios a sido lo mas hermoso que me pudo pasar. Conoci el amor verdadero que solo El, me podia dar. Conoci ese gozo y felicidad que solo Dios me puede dar. Pero a pesar de todo, tambien e pasado por pruebas muy dificiles. Especialmente con mi familia. Cuando recien decidi seguir a Jesus, los primeros que se fueron de mi vida fueron mis amigos.
Esos amigos que yo creia que estarian conmigo en todo momento. Pero estuve totalmente equivocada por que ellos solo querian vivir en el mundo. Me borraron de sus redes sociales y se perdio la comunicacion. Aun que al principio me dolio, segui adelante por que sabia que Jesus nunca me dejaria sola.
Y aun que las pruebas han sido duras, solo Dios me da la fuerza de seguir adelante. Aun que hay momentos en los que quiero correr por que siento que me estoy volviendo loca, Dios me jala y me pone a servirle de diferentes maneras. No solo eso, tambien como mi Padre que es, me a llamado la atencion por medio de su palabra. Ahora que estoy al servicio de Dios, entiendo muchas cosas y lo dificil que es seguir. Pero yo te digo joven que aun que lloremos, aun que tengamos ese sentimiento de que Dios nos a abandonado, El ahi esta. Recuerdo una occasion donde vi una imagen en facebook que decia que el maestro siempre esta en silencio durante las pruebas.
Y la verdad lo creo asi. Por que de esa manera nos ayuda a crecer a madurar espiritualmente. Aun que existan momentos en los que creamos que el mundo se nos viene encima, El ahi esta. Solo basta con ver un Nuevo dia, la caricia del viento, los colores de las hojas de los arboles, ver el sol brillar. Inclusive nos demuestra su amor por medio de la lluvia. No se han dado cuenta como nuestra vida sin Dios es parecida a un dia nublado? Pero cuando le permitimos entrar, Dios limpia todo en nuestra vida y el sol brilla con mucha fuerza, con mucho color. Asi como limpia el cielo despues de un dia lluvioso. En estos dias e tenido muchas pruebas, pero me e propuesto ser mas constante con la oracion y por medio de esa fuerza aun que quiera correr y esconderme debajo de mi cama donde nadie me encuentre, no tirare la toalla.... y sere una guerrera de Dios, que luche hasta mi ultimo suspiro.
Ever wondered why your relationships don't last? Or why is it that you can't find the right person?
Have you ever considered just putting your life in God's hands and allow Him to guide you towards that person?
Many of us girls always dream of our prince charming coming to our lives and falling in love with that person. I guess it sort of works that way! Since we are God's princesses and He does have a prince charming for us. As I mentioned on my first blog post, I had my first boyfriend at 19. My first love I could say. But even though I was crazy about the guy, it only lasted 6 months. I thought it was my fault because I wouldn't give him everything that he wanted. There was a moment in my life that I didn't want to know about guys! About two years later, I met another guy who turned out to be sort of violent. Again, not the correct person for me. I asked myself, "am I ever going to find that guy that just sweeps me away?"
As time continued it's course, I thought I had met the right guy for me. A guy who I thought was perfect in every way! But as our relationship continued to get "serious" I noticed he started getting weird. He wanted to know everywhere I went, who I was with, why I wasn't answering his messages. When I decided to go to the youth retreat, he got mad at me and told me that he was I guess thinking of committing suicide because he wasn't going to hear from me during the weekend. But even though he said that, I still went to the youth retreat. And he's still alive just in case you were wondering. A year later after we started dating, we split! the things that I thought we had in common, were simply gone.
Now, can you see what these three failed relationships had in common? They were all of just two people. You might be thinking, what is this girl talking about?! Indeed it was missing the most important person. God!
But even though I had cried and thought I was going to end up alone for the rest of my life, God had a complete different plan for me. After the youth retreat, I started going to prayer group! But I only thought it was once a month. But anyway! I walk in, and the first person I saw was the keyboardist of the choir. I wasn't sure why he had caught my attention. After that, I didn't see him anymore since I left to Mexico on vacation. When I came back, I started going to group again! and I remember that we were having crecimientos at group and I didn't know where to find my book. Until I asked my now friend Josue where I could find a book. After group, I went up to him to thank him for helping me out. As I was talking to him, another guy came up to us to say hi! The keyboardist!!! That day he stopped being the keyboardist and became Juan Cruz.
We became good friends and as time passed, I noticed I was getting feelings for this guy. I didn't want to mess up again, so this time I actually put it in prayer. I remember asking God that if this guy was for me, to give me a sign and if he wasn't, to please help me see him as only a friend. So what happened? I started having dreams that I was dating this guy and that we were serving together at church. When I woke up, I was like ok God! now for real, please give me a sign. For the next three nights, I kept having similar dreams. That's when I realized that God was telling me that he was the guy for me. The correct one! Eventually we both found out we had a thing for each other and on January 24, 2014 we started officially dating. Funny thing is, that January 24th is the day of St. Francis de Sales! the Saint from our church!
We've had our ups and downs, but I know for a fact that God is guiding us to something beautiful. I can just feel it in my heart that he could be the person that God has created for me. Finally our relationship wasn't of two but of three! Because without God, I know that we wouldn't be together. Something that I truly love of our relationship is that we get to serve God together in the same ministries. Attend mass together, visit Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist, we pray for one another, and just support each other as much as we can. Always having our number one first, Jesus Christ! Now I understand why I had to cry and go through those failed relationships. Because God had something better for me.
So if you're still looking for the correct person for you, don't worry! God already has that person for you. All you have to do is trust Him and remember....
El amor es paciente y muestra comprension. El amor no tiene celos, no aparenta ni se infla. No actua con bajeza ni busca su propio interes, no se deja llevar por la ira y olvida lo malo. No se alegra de lo injusto si no que se goza en la verdad. Perdura a pesar de todo, lo cree todo, lo espera todo, y lo soporta todo. 1-Corintios 13:4-7
I decided to create this blog to show the world how great our God is. I live in the city of Las Vegas, born in the beautiful state of California. College student, choir girl, with an amazing boyfriend, amazing family, and best friend. God has been really good with me. But I didn't always have that idea of how great God was being with me. Most of my life I suffered of depression, not wanting to live, even thought of committing suicide. My teen years, I got worst as I got sick with an eating disorder.
I was 19 years old when I had my first boyfriend and I thought I was crazy about that guy. What I didn't know, was that I was just blinded with the illusion of having a guy noticing me and asking me to be his girlfriend. He ended up breaking my heart on a New Year's eve and I fell into a 5 month depression. In May 2010, I started working for the company Abercrombie & Fitch and was based at one of their Hollister stores. There, I met a ton of new friends who took me into a whole new world.
A world where I was a complete stranger. A world that looked filled with colors and fun but deep inside, was filled with darkness and loneliness. I remember I had just turned 21 when I went to my first house party. Coming from a somewhat strict family, I felt that the world was mine at that party. I remember arriving to that party around 11pm and the first thing that was offered to me, was alcohol. It was in a punch bowl and it smelled like cough medicine. But I didn't care because I was "living" my life like I wanted. The next day, it was Christmas Eve and I didn't get home until 9am. Tired, hung over, sick, I didn't want to be bothered. Instead of waiting that Christmas Eve for Jesus's coming, I was in a bathroom completely sick.
The months passed, and I turned into a drinking party girl. I thought I had it all! Friends, boys, parties, I was living the life. What I didn't realize that even though I had all that, I was still empty. There was a huge gap in my heart and I didn't know how to fill it up. Two months before my 22nd birthday, I was invited to a hotel party at the Palms casino. It was a Halloween/birthday party for my friend's brother. I was in charge of the tequila and drinking it with the others. That night by my second drink, I was gone. I remember sitting in a corner, just looking at everyone having fun. A few days later, my friend told me what had happened. Not realizing in all the danger that I was in. Anything could of happened to me. I could of been raped, killed, who knows. But God was there with me, taking care of me.
It wasn't until I turned 23, that something pulled me away from all of that, and decided to start changing my life. It was a Wednesday at church that I heard the announcement of a Youth Retreat. My parents always talked about retreats in California, since they were part of the youth ministry, Jovenes Para Cristo. Something in my heart told me to go to that retreat and decided to sign up after mass. The day of the retreat was finally here and I was all kinds of emotions. Woke up really early, had my coffee with my breakfast, and took off to the LaVoie hall at St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church. Not knowing anyone, I just sat there and waited for the retreat to begin.
Day one was amazing! God was already working with me. It was two preachers from Los Angeles, California. Jose Alvarez and Jose Gomez also, Rokafuerte was playing at the retreat. There was a moment where we all went to the altar they had at the hall, and we were asking God for our needs, for forgiveness. I was on my knees and in my mind, I was asking God for forgiveness! Rokafuerte was playing the song "Nadie te ama como yo" I don't remember hearing them starting the song. My ears were shut, and couldn't hear anything! except for my heart asking God to forgive me. At the part of the song where it says "Nadie te ama como yo, mira la cruz esta es mi mas grande prueba" my ears opened, and at that moment, I felt like God's love hit me like a bus! As my tears kept rolling down my face, I heard someone speaking in tongues and in Spanish told me, "Haz obtenido el perdon" Things had just gotten real!
The next day was also great! the last part of the retreat was the part that also hit me hard. The servers dimmed the lights and it was the word of God that through Ezequiel 37, wrapped it's arms around me and gave me life. La mano de Yave se poso sobre mi. Yave me hizo salir por medio de su espiritu. Me deposito en medio de un valle, que estaba lleno de huesos humanos. Me hizo recorrer el valle en todos los sentidos; los huesos esparcidos por el suelo eran muy numerosos, y estaban completamante secos. Ezequiel 37:1-2. When the lights were dimmed, I wasn't sure what was happening. Little did I know that God's spirit was coming and was about to touch every single one of us. I walked towards one of the servers and they started doing prayer with me. The best way I can describe what I felt, was like if a million butterflies had hit my stomach and filled me up with so much joy that I began to laugh. It was a laughter of happiness, peace, joy, something that I didn't even know was possible! A few seconds later, tears began rolling down my face. They were also tears of joy! I was feeling a love that I had never experienced, a love that only God can give us.
After the prayer, the hall was filled with so much peace that if God decided to take us, I was ready. A few months passed and I went to Mexico on vacation. After returning, God started taking me to the prayer group, "Agua Viva" on my first day, I was invited to join mass choir and sing Psalms to the Lord. Little did I know, that God had more plans for me. In February of 2014, I was invited to be part of the prayer group choir, "Manantial de Agua Viva" God gave me the privilege of singing to Him. The road hasn't been easy at all! it's been filled with many trials that sometimes make me feel like running away. But God gives me the strength to continue, walking the path that He has planned for me. He has also given me a boyfriend who also serves Him and a best friend who is an amazing human being. Now I know that the empty whole in my heart could only be filled by the grace of God. Not alcohol, not boys, not partying. Only God.
Hope you enjoyed reading my testimony and see how great our God is. He's waiting for us with opened arms! All we have to do is say YES!